Daisy Reception
Miss Rainford- Class teacher and EYFS lead
Mrs Barnes- TA
Miss Kent- TA
Thank you for visiting our class page!
Welcome to Reception
On this webpage we aim to provide information that will help you support your child throughout their Reception year. We will update with regular newsletters and information about our ongoing topics. We would recommend that you check the website and our class dojo app regularly to keep you fully informed with all the latest news and information.
We really hope you continue to visit our page and follow the exciting journey our reception children take over the course of the year. Enjoy!
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is the ‘curriculum’ of the Reception year. The EYFS framework sets out key learning goals for your child’s early development which, if achieved, provide the 'foundations' for all later learning and successes, focusing on developing every child's skills through, playing and exploring, active learning, creating and thinking critically through 7 areas of learning and development:
The 3 Prime Areas of the EYFS are:
- Communication and language
- Physical development
- Personal, social and emotional development.
The 4 Specific Areas of the EYFS are:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding the world
- Expressive arts and design
We help our Reception children to work towards the Early Learning Goals which are the Knowledge, Skills and Understanding children should have at the end of their first academic year at school. Our work involves ongoing assessment and reporting to parents and/or carers as well as considering our children’s Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements.
Spring 1 Curriculum Highlights
The Jolly Christmas Postman
This week we have read The Jolly Christmas Postman. The children did some sequencing work yesterday and this afternoon have completed their own maps to show the journey the postman took to deliver his letters. We discussed human and physical features of the wintry environment and the children have shown each of these in their maps.
Lifelong Learners Workshop for Parents
Another new member of Daisy Class!
Meet our new member! This is Communicating Catherine. Catherine is here to support our learning about sharing, being friendly, attentively listening and turn-taking. The children have welcomed both of our new friends with open arms and have truly taken on board each and every message that they bring.
For the next few weeks we will be focusing on the story of the Little Red Hen. To support our understanding of the story, we made our very own bread today! The children can’t wait to bring it home to show you.
Michael Rosen Day 2024
Daisy class celebrated Michael Rosen Day and what a day we had. As the children are familiar with the well known story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’, we decided to re-enact each part of the exciting adventure that the family go on. The children felt the swishy, swashy grass, the splashy, sploshy water, squelched through squelchy and squerchy mud, stumbled and tripped over the logs in the forest and created swirling, whirling snowballs in a snow storm. The children were fantastic at recalling the story and I hope they all had a fabulous time!
A new member of Daisy Class!
I’d like to introduce a new member of Daisy Class. This is independent Isla. Isla will live in school but she may also visit your homes at some point too! Isla is here to help our children to become independent learners. You will see on the poster that Isla uses specific phrases to help support our children’s understanding. We will be using these phrases in school and it would be great if you could use them at home too. The children have been amazing in welcoming Isla to our class and have already started to refer to Isla and her phrases when trying something new or when they struggle with completing a task for the first time.
On the leaflet that was sent home this evening, you will see that it references a puppet poster for the various puppets that will join our class over the course of the year. Once all puppets have been introduced, I will send these posters home with the children to display.
I will also be sending out a date regarding a parent workshop to discuss our lifelong learners project and how we can work together to support your children in these fabulous early years.
Bonfire Night!
This week we will be learning all about Bonfire Night and why we celebrate it each year. This morning we are developing our fine motor skills by creating our own firework patterns and pictures.
22nd October 2024
A busy afternoon in the forest! The children had time to explore and then used rakes, spades and brushes to create piles of leaves. This activity was planned to develop their gross motor skills and to also help the children understand what raking leaves is all about, as within the poem we have learnt in our literacy sessions the poet talks about raking leaves into a ‘bunch’.
October Design Technology Week
This week we are completing our 1st DT week of the year. Our learning objective is to create a moving picture using levers and sliders. Yesterday, the children started looking at moving pictures within books. They looked for anything that moved and discussed the impact. Today, we moved on to looking at the 2 mechanisms above and the children independently made their own moving parts. Tomorrow we will begin the design process, then move on to the making and finally the evaluation. I look forward to sharing some images of the finished pieces.
National Poetry Day 2024
Reception spent the day sharing poems with our reading buddies, completing rhyming games and going on a riddle hunt! An amazing day!
30th September 2024
Another busy morning in Daisy Class today. In our environment we have a printing activity using celery as a tool, a threading activity for the children to create cheerio towers and compare who has more/less and some pattern cards for the children to practice their pencil control.
27th September 2024
An example of some of the wonderful expressive arts and design activities taking place in Daisy Class.
27th September 2024
Below is a list of websites you might like to access with your children to support their reading and mathematics at home:
Autumn 1 Curriculum Highlights